Part 16 --- NOT INTO TRIAL --- Deliverance

This suggests that YHVH would bring deliverance to your life as He prevents you or keeps you from repeating the same sin. Earlier we saw that we must ask for forgiveness daily. Now we are asking for not only guidance but deliverance. Deliverance is a part of prayer. “Adonai, not only guide us but deliver us from this sin that keeps coming back on us. Deliverance must be a part of prayer, otherwise prayer cannot be affective. James 1:13 says, " Let no-one say when he is enticed, ' I am enticed by Elohim' for Elohim is not enticed by evil matters and He entices no one." YHVH does not tempt us: He tests us. So when you pray lead us not into temptation, realize that Elohim does not tempt you. He allowed you to be tested.