Part 18 --- FROM THE WICKED ONE --- Resistance

In this revelation Yeshua was not only speaking about deliverance from evil but from the evil one. When Adonai says that we are to pray, deliver us from the wicked one, He is telling us to resist. It’s a prayer for strength to resist the devil. The Greek says evil one and Hebrews says the wicked one. Preserve us; keep us safe from the wicked one. And that’s a continual preservation. YHVH doesn’t come and go every day. He stays with you. He said, “I’m with you always.” When I pray preserve me from evil, I’m saying "Adonai, give me illumination so I’ll see when the enemy comes". When I pray preserve me, I’m saying keep my eyes open, keep me wise. Give me discernment, Adonai. When I say preserve me from the wicked one, deliver me from the wicked one, I also pray, Adonai, give me strength to resist him at all times. James 4:7 declares, “.... Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” Here we see a prayer for resistance, deliver us from the wicked one Adonai. In prayer there must be a resistance, for how can you pray unless there is resistance against the will of the enemy? Deliverance from the wicked one also demands cooperation with YHVH. The Bible says in James 4: 7, “So then, subject yourself to Elohim... .” You cannot resist the devil until you’ve submitted to YHVH Elohim. Resistance is a part of prayer.