Isaiah 58
13“If you do turn back your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My set-apart day, and shall call the Sabbath ‘a delight,’ the set-apart day of יהוה ‘esteemed,’ and shall esteem it, not doing your own ways, nor finding (your own pleasure), nor speaking your own words,
14then you shall delight yourself in יהוה. And I shall cause you to ride on the heights of the earth, and feed you with the inheritance of Ya‛aqoḇ your father. For the mouth of יהוה has spoken!”
Jubilees Chapter 50
6 And behold the commandment regarding the Shabbats -I have written them down for you- and all the judgments of its laws.
7 Six days shall you labor, but on the seventh day is the Shabbat of YAHWEH your Sovereign Ruler. In it you shall do no manner of work, you and your sons, and your men- servants and your maid-servants, and all your cattle and the sojourner also who is with you.
8 And the man that does any work on it shall die: whoever desecrates that day, whoever lies with (his) wife, or whoever says he will do something on it, that he will set out on a journey thereon in regard to any buying or selling: and whoever draws water thereon which he had not prepared for himself on the sixth day, and whoever takes up any burden to carry it out of his tent or out of his house shall die.
9 You shall do no work whatever on the Shabbat day save what you have prepared for yourselves on the sixth day, so as to eat, and drink, and rest, and keep Shabbat from all work on that day, and to bless YAHWEH your Sovereign Ruler, who has given you a day of festival and a kodesh day: and a day of the kodesh kingdom for all Yisrael is this day among their days forever.
Exodus 16
verse 5“And it shall be on the sixth day that they shall prepare what they bring in, and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.”
23And he said to them, “This is what יהוה has said, ‘Tomorrow is a rest, a Sabbath set-apart to יהוה. That which you bake, bake; and that which you cook, cook. And lay up for yourselves all that is left over, to keep it until morning.’ ”
24And they laid it up till morning, as Mosheh commanded. And it did not stink, and no worm was in it.
25And Mosheh said, “Eat it today, for today is a Sabbath to יהוה, today you do not find it in the field.
26“Gather it six days, but on the seventh day, which is the Sabbath, there is none.”
Jeremiah 17
20“And you shall say to them, ‘Hear the word of יהוה, you sovereigns of Yehuḏah, and all Yehuḏah, and all the inhabitants of Yerushalayim, who enter by these gates.
21‘Thus said יהוה, “Guard yourselves, and bear no burden on the Sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of Yerushalayim,
22nor take a burden out of your houses on the Sabbath day, nor do any work. And you shall set apart the Sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.
Joshua Myers
Jubilees is adding to Torah "whoever lies with (his) wife, or whoever says he will do something on it, that he will set out on a journey thereon in regard to any buying or selling: and whoever draws water thereon which he had not prepared for himself on the sixth day, and whoever takes up any burden to carry it out of his tent or out of his house shall die. "
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