Last month I started a TikTok account in order to promote my comics. I didn't realize how populated that platform was. I have had the most interactions there than with anything else I have done online. With that, there are people that disagree with things I say. Well, except in the video in question that inspired this post I didn't say anything. I was just showing my tassels.

The commenter stated that by me wearing them, I was sinning. We went back and forth a few times, as well as a few other people commenting to him and he said that doing anything in the Torah was sinning. My response to him, is the same that is in the comic. God tells us His Torah is good and perfect. He tells Isaiah "woe to those who call good evil". Saying something is a sin is saying it is evil to do. If God says that His Torah is good, and you say it is a sin, you are calling good evil. Woe to you!

The other passages I included here are a few of the many passages that talk about all the good things about the Torah. Our English Bibles typically translate Torah as "law", but if you grab a concordance and look up that word, it is Torah. The argument that doing Torah is sinning is saying that Yeshua sinned, because he did Torah. That is how we know Yeshua was sinless, the perfect sacrifice. There is no where in the Bible that says doing Torah is sinning. All the statements in the Bible are exactly the opposite of that.

Please, don't take one verse or chapter or book, 99% of the time from Paul, to say that doing God's Law is evil. This is misunderstanding Scripture. Peter warned us of this in 2 Peter 3:15-17. In the words of an online ministry I really like: "Be a doer of the Word, and not a hearer only." -- How much of the Word have you heard, but don't do?

#bible #biblestudynotes #torahobservant #christian #webcomic #webcomicseries #cartoon

The Straight + Narrow - Church vs. Bible #058 - Sinning

The Straight + Narrow - Church vs. Bible #058 - Sinning

Church vs. Bible #058 - Sinning