Part 5) Kindness:

Kindness can be interpreted as “Meeting real needs, in YHVH’s way and timing.” The essence of this Fruit of the Spirit is not just being kind to people who you like and are likewise kind to you. No, this spiritual kindness is the outcome or behaviour of someone else you showing them kindness, especially those who do not extend love back. This is the root of generosity and giving. As such, you are imitating Elohim to those you extend the Fruit of kindness to.

Kindness might be a Fruit you naturally have if:

a) You don’t take it personally if someone is mean to you and it does not affect how kind you are to them.
b) You do not administer kindness based on your own feelings, but rather compassion and deep concern to enrich other peoples lives, expecting nothing in return.
c) You love to bless people by responding to the nudging of Ruach HaKodesh.

You might struggle with kindness if:

i) You only show kindness when people show kindness to you.
ii) You won’t show kindness again to a person who failed to acknowledge you.
iii) Your kindness is sometimes held back because of the fear of rejection.

Part 6) Goodness:

The instinctive nature to be good is at the heart of this Fruit. “Those who have (the Fruit of goodness) are strengthened to live lives of moral beauty and their decency shines forth in a world blighted by evil.” (p. 350 Schreiner, Galatians) People who exhibit the Fruit of goodness are the visible Light of Moshiach in the world. They have an inherently good nature and others see that. It is through the devotion to Moshiach that this Fruit of the Spirit is available, as with all of the Fruit.

Goodness might be a Fruit you naturally have if:

a) You find the intentions behind an act to be more important than the action itself.
b) You are concerned about vulnerable, oppressed or exploited people when you encounter them.
c) People readily recognize that you have a high moral standard.

You might struggle with goodness if:

i) You think that as long as a job gets done, you aren’t concerned about the motivations behind it.
ii) You tend to only be concerned with your well-being or a close circle of people around you.
iii) People often question your motivations or behaviours.