Armour of YHVH:


Father, thank You for Your Mighty Armour. I pray that You would go before us at TTN every day and every night. Please take down all that the evil one is scheming to attack us with. Prepare our hearts and minds for whatever we will face day and night. Help us put on Your Armour firmly and securely, so that we are ready for battle.

Belt of Truth

Firstly, help us to put on the belt of truth, the truth that we are Your children. Remind us that while the evil one can mess with us here on earth, he cannot take away our faith and salvation.

Breastplate of Righteousness

Teach us how to put on the breastplate of righteousness which protects the matters of the heart. We pray our breastplate would protect us from the accusations and guilt the evil one tries to drown us with.

Feet Fitted With Readiness That Comes From the Gospel of Peace

Elohim, please grant us Your peace. Help us fit ourselves for battle with Your anchoring peace. We pray that no matter what happens in battle, that we would keep our eyes focused on You.

Shield of Faith

Additionally, help us to pick up the shield of faith to help deflect the different attacks of the evil one. We are many here on TTN and we experience different attacks but we ask faith to deflect all types of attacks. And if the evil one tries to destroy our faith with fear, remind us that the war has already been won. Thank You Yeshua for defeating the evil one for us on the cross!

Helmet of Salvation

We put on the helmet of salvation. Just as a soldier is no good to anyone without his head in battle, We know we have to be careful of what we are focusing our minds on. Help us keep our minds on whatever is lovely and pure, noble and true. Don’t let the evil one twist our thoughts and get us trapped by our own thoughts. Help us to have eyes like Yeshua to freely give grace and thanksgiving as our Moshiach did.

Sword of the Spirit

After that, help us pick up the Sword of the Spirit, the one offensive weapon You have given us and help us carry it firmly and soundly. We pray that You would impress Scripture upon our hearts to sustain us on Your Word. Help us recall powerful verses when the evil one starts his attacks so that we may gain the offense with Your truth.

And lastly, let us not forget prayer, possibly the most important part of our Armour, since it activates it all. We pray that we would be in communion with You throughout every day and every night, because without You, our battle efforts are futile. Thank you Father for granting us Your Armour from heaven. Elohim, You have said that this Armour is not pretend stuff, but is Your real Armour. We know there is power in putting on Your mighty Armour. Help us stand strong today and please encourage our hearts so that we are fit for battle. Thank you Yeshua for coming to redeem us and allowing us to have such an intimate relationship with Elohim.
Thank for interceding on our behalf to Father. We pray that You would raise up intercession for us. Ruach Kodesh, guide us and give us wisdom and knowledge. Grant us peace within our spirits. Yeshua, we know that if we ask for things in Your Name, that You will respond and come to our rescue. We acknowledge that Your Name can heal the leper, allow the blind to see and the deaf to hear and ultimately save us from any situation, from anything the evil one is impressing on our lives. In light of that, we pray all these things in the Most Victorious and Powerful Name of Yeshua Moshiach. Amein