Another common objection to keeping the Law is the Sermon on the Mount. People take this speech to mean that Yeshua is changing the terms of the Law. In the same breath they will also say He raised the bar of the Law. In how they are referencing it, both can't be right.

As mentioned in the comic "eye for an eye" in Leviticus is about recompense. The whole section there is talking about restoring what was lost, or in the case of something that can't be restored, judgement for the wrong-doer. This section of the Torah isn't giving everyone a free pass to engage in every fight that comes their way. If someone hits you, Leviticus doesn't give you a pass to hit them back. That isn't what is being said here. However, this is what Yeshua is teaching against because the Jews at the time had taken it to that level. He was correcting them on the Spirit of the Law.

Just like I have covered in a previous comic in this same sermon on adultery. Yeshua says even looking at a woman lustfully is adultery. This doesn't change committing the act being a sin. This tells us the intention of the command: that we shouldn't be the type of people to even think about doing that.

As Yeshua says: Loving God and loving others is what the Law hangs on. These commands in the Law are about just that. Sure, there is punishment laid out in some cases, but as in Yeshua's examples we don't always have to do the punishment, we can love, we can give mercy, we can give grace. Isn't that what everyone says He taught us?

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The Straight + Narrow - Church vs. Bible #059 - Eye for an eye

The Straight + Narrow - Church vs. Bible #059 - Eye for an eye

Church vs. Bible #059 - Eye for an eye