Shalom Shalom family ?

Ephesians 3:16–17
“I pray that, according to the riches of His glory, He may grant that you, may be strengthened in your inner being with power through His Spirit and that Messiah may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love.”

Our Heavenly Father YHVH our Almighty Elohim. We lift up our hearts in praise and are humble in prayer. Your Glory reigns and we are in full gratitude for giving us a new day to live to the fulness of every blessing. When evil darkens our world, You give us light. When despair numbs our souls, You give us hope. When we stumble and fall, you uplift us in renewed Spirit. When doubts assail us, You give us increasing faith to endure. When nothing seems sure, You give us trust. When ideals fade, You broaden our vision and make us see the impossible become possible. When we lose our way, You are our guide! We pray that we may alwaya find serenity in Your presence and fulfill the purpose in doing Your will. Thank You for guarding us against the evil and corruption that has increased in this world. As lies, hate, murder and the love of money filled many people, we pray that You will bring them to their senses. We pray that You surrender, shield and cover us in Your wings against the plagues and keep us safe. Thank You for Your Mercy, love and Grace. Thank You for Your blessings and provisions. Please bless our family, friends and fill us with a renewed Spirit of abundant joy in Yeshua HaMashiach. Please strengthen us to prevail and stand strong in our faith. We Glorify and give You all the Praise. Please keep us all evil. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. Forgive us our trespasses and sins against Thee and others. Amein

Be blessed and stay blessed ?