The following excerpt is from the oldest Anabaptist confession of faith – The Schleitheim Confession of 1527-
From all this (previous paragraph talks of coming out of Babylon) we should learn that everything which has not been united with our God in Christ (Note the differentiation) is nothing but an abomination which we should shun. By this are meant all popish and repopish works and idolatry, gatherings, church attendance, winehouses, guarantees and commitments of unbelief, and other things of the kind, which the world regards highly, and yet which are carnal or flatly counter to the command of God, after the pattern of all the iniquity which is in the world.
Anyone care to give definition or argument against anything said here? I would love discussion. I have been raised in such a way that I agree with this and can give some definitions should you so desire but I would like to give others an opportunity first.
Also note the following, the differentiation between Yeshua and God and the sentence at the end containing the words command of God.
More shall follow. I will see about providing a copy of this Confession for your perusal via a link here.