Shalom Shalom family ?
Our Heavenly Father, our Amazing and Awesome Holy YHVH. Thank You for giving us a good rest, time to refresh and be revived this new day with You on our lips. Thank You for shielding us, protecting us throughout the night and giving us a refreshing start this day. You give us life and You fill it with joy. Thank You that we can take this joy and walk in it today. Thank You for the food on our tables, the clothing we can put on, the abilities to walk, talk, feel and see the Amazing things of Your creation. Thank you for every saving life, Yout Grace and Mercy. Thank You that we can open our Scriptures and find Your words overflowing into our Spirit. Thank You for blessing our day in abundance and filling it with Your direction. We are in gratitude for all that You do and everything we have. Please bless our family members, friends and ourselves. Thank You for Your forgiveness and the privileges we have kn Yeshua HaMashiach our light for Salvation. We Praise Your Name. Let Thy Kingdom come and will be done on earth as in heaven. Amein
Be blessed and stay blessed ?