Shalom??? We’re still on the topic of Domestic Violence and Abuse. Are you a victim or survivor? We’d like to hear your story. If you are a victim, please reach out to me, or Lisa Bailey or Michelle Hargrove the admins. We have a work along with House of Sarah called For Zion’s Sake where we meet most Thursday mornings for prayer and encouragement. If interested please let us know. We are here to help by prayer, encouraging you, standing with you! Please see Lisa’s posts here.
Tomorrow I’ll be posting a podcast on Forgiveness (What It Is/What It Is Not) and also The 3 Rs of Domestic Violence: Repentance, Restitution, and Responsibility. If you know someone who is suffering please tell them about my podcast Nava In The House Of Sarah on Anchor, Spotify and several other platforms. Salvation comes from Zion!

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