So here's my perspective on circumcision and ya'll can tell me if I'm missing anything.
1. Yah gives circumcision to Abraham and his descendants.
2. Torah does not require gentiles to be circumcised unless they are attending feasts. (Which I would imagine would mean you would most likely get circumcised if you followed Yah and lived in Israel. Why miss out on the feasts?)
3. Paul was not worried about circumcising gentiles who lived outside of Israel and who would not be making the trip to Jerusalem for the feasts anyway.
With all this being said, if a believer were to ask me if I would recommend circumcision to them, I would say yes. Not for salvation obviously. The Health benefits are immense, and you never know when the Lion of Judah will roar and sweep you away to Israel. I suspect that when the northern tribes return, they will be predominantly followers of Yeshua. Just a hunch.
Joshua Williams
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