The best cure for your Ailments: READ the Bible!
I have tried mood uplifting supplements, improving my diet, deep breathing, hot and cold showers, topical creams, happy music, exercise, prayer, distractions, waking up early, waking up late, going places, staying in, cleaning my house, cleaning my yard, finding something "fun" to do.... It does not really work. Only when I read the bible... I mean REALLY read it, like my life depended on it, I got the relief I was searching for. (okay, maybe it only lasts five minutes, but hey, when you've been depressed for over 30 years, five minutes is nothing to sneer at!)
There's just something about reading the words of an Elohim who cares about me and loves me, and made me! to bring me out of whatever state my head is in.
Read the Bible, I encourage you!
Oh.... and, if it doesn't work the first thirty times you try, then try it again another thirty. Eventually it will work.
And if your children won't stop misbehaving, read it anyway.
And if your spouse won't stop being self centered, read it anyway.
And if you're tired and moany, read it anyway.
And if you're all alone, read it anyway.
And if you're broke and miserable, read it anyway.
And if life has thrown you a curveball and it happened to hit you in the side of the head, read it anyway.
And if you are depressed, read it anyway.
 Feeling Blessed
