I'm a guy with long dreadlock hair. Is it okay for guys to have long hair or not?
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Mark Price
Some people may quote the Apostle Paul saying that long hair on a man is a disgrace. But a lot of people overlook the fact that Paul was a Nazarite himself and therefore, had long hair too for a time.
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Lauren Valea
that admonishes men for having long hair, altho the question is...what is defined as long? Priests are told to neither shave their head nor let it go long, but to keep it trimmed. A nazarite vow is the only instance I see where a man is to have long hair, but you cut it after your vow is compelted. I suppose, it's a matter of what is the inner most voice telling you that you may be shushing? Ultimately, it is between you and Yah. If you are truly seeking an answer, it is found in's just whether we want to hear it or not. My thought and prayers are with you on your journey to the answer for your question.
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Tammy Kempf
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Mark Price
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