I've been there. I've done that. I understand!!
There have been times when the depression was so bad that all I could do was lay on my bed and cry. Food had lost its appeal. I loathed any and all conversation. I prayed to depart from this world. Every once in a while someone would call or text me a scripture verse, and it seemed like they were just making themselves feel better by "trying" to do something for me. *by the way, on a normal week I get maybe 1 to 2 phone calls per week, and even less emails.
I'm not going to get into the various reasons why I get so depressed in this post.
INSTEAD: I am going to give you the solution that I have recently come to, whenever the feelings get overwhelming. I treat it like it is a sign or a signal. Yep, just like if you saw a red light at an intersection, you take action by stepping on the brakes. If you are sitting at a red light and it turns green, you start pressing down on the accelerator. I am taking my feelings as a sign or a signal that I need to start reading my scriptures, start listening or singing music, or do some other kind of praise/worship/giving glory to Yahweh. Nothing more, nothing less. I am determined to let my feelings be a signal, and not a hinderance. (pray for me, this only came to me recently!!)
I'm determined to overcome this, and make it work for me instead of against me. You could always try it too. Shalom and Blessings :)
