God speaks to different people differently depending on what kind of relationship they have with him. He speaks more plainly to those who want to hear and act on what he says. Those who are more likely to put God's words to use are probably more likely to hear him plainly. Those who won't act on them will have to work harder to hear and understand.

Sometimes, people don't want to hear God's truth. They don't want to be forgiven and healed, because that would mean greater accountability. Nobody expects much of the sick, so some people want to remain spiritually sick. It's easier.

When you choose to see and hear, God will give you something to see and hear. How God speaks to you from then on will be determined by whether you keep or reject it.

This principle extends to finances, authority, etc. If you refuse to be responsible for what God gives, don't expect more. Don't look at anyone else either. You don't know their heart or God's plans for them.

Matthew 13:10-17