From my wife, Paula, at her FB page...

There are SOOOO MANY REASONS this advice doesn’t work…
1) Hormone and Metabolic changes that take place in your 40’s & 50's means what used to work doesn’t work anymore.
2) Chronic dieting and over-exercising stress your body causing it to further reduce metabolic rate, digestion, and hormone production.
3) Friendly bacteria in your gut must be fed properly to survive. Starving them disrupts metabolism and hormones.
4) Eating less and exercising more causes lean body mass loss. Building muscle is critical to midlife metabolic health.
5) WEIGHT LOSS DOES NOT EQUAL HEALTH! Weight is not a proxy for health...There are many other health markers that matter in midlife.
What’s worse is that women who receive this advice and take it to heart, will frequently experience disordered eating, depression, shame, and a vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting that completely undermines their confidence and connection with their bodies.
What unhelpful advice have you received? Tell me in the comments.
