#readmethebiblegarth now includes Epistle to the Romans 1-12 in Greek with translation, and in the Lawful Literal Version, here: https://youtube.com/playlist?l....ist=PLvpqSEOjm625MyT
The Romans 8 LLV135 for 2022 recording points out how you can know the mind of the flesh when it speaks within you or from a pulpit.
The Romans 4 LLV134 for 2022 recording includes a short elucidation of Paul's reasoning process: that IF Yah's promises to Abraham are waiting for a people whom the Law will declare righteous, AS that is never going to happen, THEREFORE God would have effectively made a promise that He would not have to keep. But BECAUSE God keeps His promises, THEREFORE His promise to Abraham must be fulfilled with people whom the Law would not declare righteous, BUT who still can be declared righteous and become righteous through faith in Yeshua's Announcement and His atoning blood and life-giving Spirit.