Kol Israel has a lot of talented people and, if we walk in the shoes of Abraham and Jacob, we have lots of business-minded people who somewhere deep in their heart desire productivity that is outside of the babylonian system. (Come out of her My people...)
A book I read about six months ago that has really put meat on the bones of my multi-year musings on the restoration of kol Israel is Rory Groves' Durable Trades. I reviewed it on my blog last week: https://natsab.com/2022/01/07/....must-read-durable-tr
This really, really prompted in me a vision for one aspect of restoration that must happen: economic viability through our own network of trade that fosters 'getting out of the system.' That network must be filled with skilled trades that we support internally by 'keeping money at home.' I.e., support family first! It begins with little grassroots family businesses that grow, interconnect, and mutually support each other.
We need to be able to take care of all basics 'in house.' This requires a breadth of product and skills that far surpass what we currently see among Hebrews. We need woodworkers, carpenters, butchers, breadmakers, leatherworkers, tailors, glass and ceramic makers, seamstresses, coffee roasters, etc. It requires a shared vision and dedication that intentionally conducts business internally FIRST! But, to do that, we must educate our own mishpocha while also developing the product base. Where are the knifemakers? Toolmakers? Tent and camper makers? Who is making shoes? Pants? Shirts? Consumables like cheese, candles, soap, wine, etc....
Yes, a few of these exist and some are easier to begin doing than others, but all are necessary!! Look around you! Seek the Father! What would HE have you begin developing? (Full disclosure: I've begun learning leatherwork. There are many products in that area that are needed. My secret ambition is to slowly graduate to shoes and boots. Minimally, I want to be able to repair footwear and make flops/clogs/sandals.)
What say you all? Have you thought in this direction? Please share!!