I turned in my two weeks notice last night to the pastor and his wife that have been family to me for the last 7 years. I worked for them for 6 of those. i went to bed last night with a lot of tears and a long conversation with Yah. I know it was the right decision to make because i cant change them, just like they can't change me, only Yah can change people, but it really was like severing a limb. It burned down deep because i love them so dearly. i cant say i came to terms with it, but i am COMING to terms with it, if that makes sense. They were exactly what i needed in its season, but it was time for us to go. That being said, i pray nothing but Yah's blessing upon them. Now comes the ministry i should have been attentive to a long time ago as a wife and as a mother to my kiddos. I woke this morning with renewed hope and a new sense of purpose. I am looking for torah observant devotionals that you use with your kiddos. My oldest at home is 5. I wanna immerse my kiddos in Yah's word. I need devotional format to keep their attention at this point since they are so little (2 and 5), but i wanna start now. Keep us in your prayers, because ill probably have more tears for a while with a lot pf transitioning into the next chapter of our journey and any and all resources or info are helpful. Thank you, Torah mishpacha. </3 <3