1 -- To know that YHVH exists
2 -- Not to entertain the idea that there is any god but the Eternal Elohim
3 -- Not to blaspheme - The penalty for which is death
4 -- To hallow YHVH’s Name
5 -- Not to profane YHVH’s Name
6 -- To know that YHVH is One, a Complete Unity
7 -- To love YHVH
8 -- To fear Him reverently
9 -- Not to put YHVH to the test
10 -- To imitate His Good and Upright ways


11 -- To honour the old and the wise
12 -- To learn the Torah and to teach it
13 -- To cleave to those who know Him; The Talmud states that cleaving to scholars is equivalent to cleaving to Him
14 -- Not to add to the Commandments of the Torah, whether in the Written Law or in its interpretation received by tradition.
15 -- Not to take away from the Commandments of the Torah
16 -- That every person shall write a scroll of the Torah for him/herself


17 -- To circumcise the male offspring
18 -- To put the Tzitzit on the corners of clothing
19 -- To bind Tefillin on the head
20 -- To bind Tefillin on the arm
21 -- To fix the Mezuzah to the doorposts and gates of your house


22 -- To pray to YHVH; According to the Talmud, the word serve verses refers to prayer
23 -- To read the Shema in the morning and at night
24 -- To recite grace before and after meals
25 -- Not to lay down a stone for worship


26 -- To love all human beings who are of the covenant
27 -- Not to stand by idly when a human life is in danger
28 -- Not to wrong anyone in speech
29 -- Not to carry tales
30 -- Not to cherish hatred in one’s heart
31 -- Not to take revenge
32 -- Not to bear a grudge
33 -- Not to put any believer to shame
34 -- Not to curse anyone and not those who cannot hear
35 -- Not to put a stumbling block before the blind; This includes doing anything that will cause another to sin
36 -- To rebuke the sin of the sinner
37 -- To relieve a neighbour of his burden and help to unload his animal
38 -- To assist in replacing the load upon a neighbour’s animal
39 -- Not to leave an animal, that has fallen down its burden, unaided