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Robert Kepha Ben Yisrael Chamberlin
Why You Should Use the Name of YHWH and No Other -
A Letter to A Friend
Many of the people I know think nothing of using the terms God, Lord or HaShem instead of speaking the true name of our
Father YHWH. Since the time I first learned of my Father's name, I ceased using anything else. I didn't want to. Nor did I see
the need to. I've since realized that others do not see things the same way I do. I've mentioned this to some of my friends and
have received varying responses as to why they continue to use these terms. But I never had the ability to explain to them why
the majority of people use these terms or, more importantly, why we shouldn't. That's why I was elated when my husband, Jeff,
had the opportunity to have this same conversation with our good friend Jim. Jim was a volunteer who used to go into the
Michael prison unit where my husband lives so the Sabbath-keeping community there can gather for Sabbaths and holy days.
Since there is so little time on Sabbaths for deep conversations, Jeff wrote a letter to Jim about the use of YHWH's name. It is
an excellent letter and one which so clearly explains both the Jewish and Christian history and traditions behind the use of the
name "God." This letter made a difference in Jim's life. I am sharing it with you in the hopes that it will make a difference in yours as well.
Lisa Haufler
Dear Jim,
In the name of YHWH Avinu I wish you great peace, my friend.
Thanks for coming yesterday so we could have a service, and thanks for your counsel on my current troubles. I listened to
you and appreciate your level-headedness. I enjoyed your message to us as well, and am anxious to hear your continuation
this coming Shabbat - a double blessing.
I'm sure you have already guessed the main reason for this letter, so let me get to it. I don't know how "loquacious" I can be,
but I will try. Regardless of the result, you are my brother and you have my brotherly love - I cannot be moved from that position.
As you so aptly described yesterday, this is an issue of scripture and reason. It is a matter of Torah law - not of "feelings".
Yesterday when I told you that some of the brethren had bridled at your use of "God", you flushed beet red. I had accidentally
triggered strong feelings in you with my words. That mortified me. I felt so bad for you, that I had embarrassed or angered you,
or caused you discomfort in front of brother Wooten. It was absolutely not my intent to do so. I apologize, Jim, and please
forgive me. This issue, to me, is not one of feelings nor is it one of speculation. It is a clear issue of the commands of YHWH in
Torah. As such, I am not free to explain or try to reason it away, no matter how I or anyone else might "feel" about it, and no
matter the traditions or conventions of modern day society. Most of what believers in Yehoshua do is contrary to the world's
comfort and traditions, and much of the way a true believer must live is seen as impractical or difficult (or foolish or impossible?
1st Cor.1:18-19). That is no excuse for us to refuse doing so, if indeed we are his and profess to walk (halak) as he walked. We
must obey Torah whenever possible, as he did, and interpret it primarily according to his halakha (the manner in which one
does - "walks" - the Torah), regardless of our feelings or of what the world thinks and does.
Yehoshua is quoted in two places speaking and teaching his views of men's traditions and how they should affect our
halakha (Matt. 15 & Mk.7). He does not condemn tradition and "oral Torah" unless men have twisted it to conflict with the clear
meaning of written Torah. In fact, he says in another place that the leaders "sit in Moshe's seat", and that we should do as they
say (or in the Hebrew- Matthew, "as he says"." His only qualification of this is when mans teachings say contrary to Torah.
That is the over-arching halakha of a believer in Yehoshua. A man cannot serve two masters. All throughout the history of
Judaism (and Christianity), teachers and sages and rabbi's have differed in their opinions and instruction. This is accepted as
inevitable. The solution has always been that we follow the main body of teaching as best we can, then give primacy to the
teacher or master we personally follow in details and practice. So, while we learn much from others and do our best to abide
the teachings of mainstream and tradition, our Master and Teacher is Yehoshua and his halakha trumps all others.
That said, there are roughly 4 reasons why people use the name "God", instead of using the name YHWH.
1. The Catholic Church between approximately 700 A.D. - 1000 A.D. spread Christianity throughout Northern Europe and
Scandinavia. The Vatican primarily used the word "theos" (Greek) or "deos" (Latin) for YHWH's name. The pagans and
heathens of Northern Europe had a pantheon of deities, one of which was "Gott". The Catholics, in subjugating these people
and converting them, allowed them the syncretistic method of transplanting that foreign deity's name into the religion of the
Elohym of Abraham, Itzhak and Yaakob. The Catholics interest was in power, money, and in conquering the dumb masses, not
in linguistic or doctrinal purity. Do a Google search on "Gott, Gut, Gud, Gad, God, history and etymology of pagan names", and
see what you find. The Encyclopedia Britannica and Americana also have info on these, I believe. I have seen videos and read
articles on Catholic syncretism, especially in Central and South America. They bring dead bodies into the churches or sit in
graveyards and give them booze, food, cigarettes and a party on the "Day of the Dead" (Oct.31st) each year. The Vatican
allows this as long as they pay tithes. You would not condone this, would you? "God" is not a "title" when used in place of
YHWH, it is the proper name of a Teutonic/Norse deity. One of many and not supreme. That is a fact, and its use was
approved by the Roman Catholic Church. Neither time nor tradition change that fact.
2. "To call on His name means only to call on His authority", is another reason people cite for not using the name YHWH. First
of all, this is only half true. As you so aptly pointed out yesterday, there is power in the spoken word. YHWH, (not God),
created the universes not by a thought or gesture, but by a spoken word. Different spoken words have differing effects. When
He said "Ehyeh Ohr", light came to exist, not grass. He is the One who gave power and emphasis to spoken words and names.
His name has a meaning. So does "God". To use one or the other has differing effects. In His Torah He specifically
commanded us to "call on His name", and He identified that name very specifically as "hvhy" - YHWH. He said in audible
words (to a man He called by name [Moshe] audibly) that this would be His memorial name to His people Yisrael forever. This
is an unambiguous clear command of Torah which is repeated hundreds of times. We are physical beings that communicate
with physical sound, in His image. When I speak and say, "Jim said you should..." or "The warden told me...", I speak in the
authority of the one whose name I use. If I knowingly use the wrong name, I confer that authority onto someone else or dilute it.
Some names even insult the person we speak to or in the authority of. The name "God" is an insult to YHWH when applied to
Him. He says so. Who am I to argue with Him? The name YHWH means, "He who exists". The name "God" does not.
There is also a logical absurdity in reasoning that a name is only a claiming of authority. In Exodus 32:4-5, Aharon and the
people made a golden calf and worshipped it. You will agree that this was wrong, an abomination, and idolatry. But notice, in
these two verses they said the calf was YHWH "who brought you out of the land of Mitzraim (Egypt)." Tell me, Jim, think - what
is the difference between using the name of YHWH on a thing of idolatry, and using the name of an idol ("God" on the
personage (or authority) of YHWH in His essence? I can see none. 3 X 10 = 30. But 10 X 3 = 30 as well. The sequence in
which you arrange the equation results in the same product. He gave Yisrael His name specifically in order for them to use it
and speak it in calling upon His authority, and there is no other name we are given to use. That is Torah. To accept the
traditions of men in exchange for His clear command is an abrogation of Yehoshua's halakha and authority. And it is idolatry.
3. The name is "ineffable", that is to say, unspeakable. Whereas the previous two reasons for not using His name are Christian
in origin, reasons three and four are Jewish ones. Obviously, literally taken, this statement is untrue. I can say His name. The
statement intends me to understand that I should not. Why? Because I am unclean, unworthy and have no authority to do so.
That is the implication. I disagree with the reasoning. Historically, Yisrael all spoke His name until the return from Babylon,
around 500 B.C. This is evidenced by the Psalms, Proverbs, and several books of the Prophets. These men used His name
with care and reverence - as should we. In those books all Yisrael are enjoined emphatically to "call upon the name of YHWH".
In fact, in Yoel 2 we are told that this is a method of salvation. The prohibition against speaking the name was begun in
Babylon during the exile, and was (and still is) contested by many. The Karaites and others still call upon His name and no
other. The "Great Assembly" under Ezra and those who came after him were so scared the nation would mess up and sin
again, leading to another exile, they forbade use of the name by any except themselves. In that way, the world largely forgot it
for centuries. Jer.23:26-27. I am a disciple of Yehoshua HaMashiach, washed clean in his own precious blood, made worthy
by his sacrifice on my behalf, and given his authority to do righteous acts on his behalf on this earth. If I deny this, I am not his.
No one can take that cleanness, worthiness, and authority away except he himself or his Father. They have promised they
won't do that, and I believe them. No one on earth can convince me that I am not to speak my Father's name with His authority,
when He Himself has commanded me to do so. It is not "ineffable" for me.
4. This one is rather esoteric and you probably don't know it. Ironically, it is the original reason this whole tradition began. It is
the original reasoning the Great Sages used to prohibit the pronouncing of the name YHWH, and later Christianity blindly
followed along without ever questioning the practice. By the time of the "Church Fathers" and Constantine "The Great", Hebrew
had fallen into disrepute and its use was considered Judaistic, its understanding forbidden by the church. So, this original
reason was even forgotten.
In Exodus 3:15 Torah says, "...this is My name forever." The word "forever" is "le'olam" (Mlil). Normally this word has an
extra letter, a vav "v" (mlvil), though there are several instances like this in Torah where it is dropped. In this form, without the
vav and with differing vowel points, the word can also mean "hidden". Thus, the sages of the Great Assembly opined that it
secretly means, "hide the name", or "This is My name to be hidden". In the Talmud (Shemos Rabbah 3:7; Peshachim 50a), it
says that, "Based upon this verse, we never pronounce the name as written". That is how this whole thing got started and is
ultimately why you do not exclusively use the name YHWH today. It is a vile, though well intended, instance of the traditions of
men being allowed to override the clear commands of YHWH. There is even a good Talmudic argument against the reasoning
they used on this verse. It is accepted that a treatment applied to one word or verse should also apply to the same words or
similar verses elsewhere in scripture. If you did that with every instance of "le'olam" that is missing the vav, you wouldn't like
the outcome - YHWH Himself would need to be deliberately "hidden" from the world - including instances of His power and
miracles. For example, Ex.15:18 (the Song of Moshe) would then read, "YHWH shall reign hidden forever" (heaven forbid!).
Not good. It is poor exegesis to suppose the missing vav alone would imply a thing contradicted by commands of Torah and,
consistently applied to the same form of the word "le'olam" elsewhere in Torah, it would make it a mockery of YHWH Himself.
Anyway, now you know the foundational reasons for what you do, and why we refuse to use the name "God". It is, quite
simply, idolatrous. For every positive (an aseh) command, there is usually a negative one (a lav). The negative command that
is corollary to Ex.3:15, is Ex.23:13. One says what we should call Him, the other what we should not call Him, and indeed, that
those other names should "not be found in your mouth". Quite obviously, this is not about "only His authority". Neither was I
Kings 18:21-39 "only calling upon His authority". Maybe you can read this with new eyes.
There is a device used in scripture called a "kal v'chomer". It is used several times in Torah, and Yehoshua used it often. It
means, "from lesser to greater" - if a thing is so in small issues, how much moreso in greater issues. If "there is only one name
given among men by which we can be saved" - Yehoshua HaMashiach, how much moreso would this be true of his Father's
name? And just because the world goes astray, does that give us leave to follow? (Ex.23:2)
The above are the Torah on this subject, according to the halakha of Yehoshua. These are not based upon my "feelings",
but upon scripture. I can conceive of no counter-argument from Torah that would contradict this understanding without
torturously twisting the clear meanings. You said we must learn and obey Torah. I agree.
I have not written all of this to you expecting to persuade you. Does that surprise you? Neither have I written all of this to you
in the hopes that, as you seek not to offend Christians by using the name of YHWH, you will also seek not to offend us here by
using the name "God" or using the names of other pagan deities. I expect that you already have decided to appease us with
that courtesy on your own. I also haven't written all of this because I have nothing else to do - I have loads to do and I stay
busy. I think I am compelled by YHWH's Spirit to write this letter. I certainly hope so, and that it is not my own. Personally, I
don't expect your mind to change at present. No offense meant, Jim. Everyone is given to accept only so much truth at a time,
it seems. Some only accept Shabbat, or festivals, or names, or other things. A level of comfort is found, and to go beyond into
some things isn't easy. From the flush on your face yesterday and from the arguments you presented (which I was surprised at,
considering your extremely high level of intelligence and understanding), I perceived that I had breached and exceeded your
limits and comfort level. From experience, I don't much expect positive results once these barriers have been reached and
exceeded. But that is in YHWH's hands, not mine. It is between you and He.
Again, please forgive me if I upset or embarrassed you in any way. I would never wittingly do that to you or anyone. I only
meant to explain to you what I thought you needed to know before it became an issue with the community. Everyone really
likes you here, Jim. When you leave, we speak about your next coming until you get here. We pray for you daily and hope good
things for you. We are looking forward impatiently to next Shabbat and listening further to your teaching.
Shalom rav.
B’Shalom, Jeff
Updated 12/3/15
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