So, our bus is in the shop for now. It needs some work to get it ready to pass inspection. So far, we have replaced the fuel pump, alternator, new belts and 2 new batteries. Rick fixed the hole in the floor in front of the drivers seat and was working of repairing some surface cracks in the fiberglass before it got cold.

While we wait for the bus, we have a LOT of other things to do in preparation to leave. One of the biggest challenges is letting go of stuff you can't take with you. We plan on living in our bus full time and what wont fit in the bus or has to go. We are experiencing first hand what it must have felt like in Yeshua's parable for "a camel to fit through the eye of a needle." We are by no means rich, but over time...well, you accumulate a LOT OF STUFF.

Rick and I began our house purge last summer. We have already cleared out our storage unit, sold our second vehicle, given away most of our furniture and sold all our extra electronics and surplus music equipment. We both have whittled down our clothing and shoes to where everything fits in a single size closet and and 4 dresser drawers. Even with donating over have our wardrobe...we still have clothes we don't wear! Looks like another closet purge is due!