Something to think about today:
Much that is called Bible study is not actually Bible study at all. == Satan kept men for years from any interest in Bible study, but now that there is a great and growing interest in studying the Torah, satan keeps people from real study of the Bible. Questions about the authorship, date, end times, prophesies etc., of the various books of the Bible -- in the Bible and those left out, -- are both interesting and important; but studying these things is not studying the Bible. Dwight L Moody once asked a graduate of a great university why he did not give his life to teaching the English Bible. The young man replied, "I don't know anything about the Bible." "Why," Dwight Moody asked and then said, "you have a high priced professor employed in your university just to teach the English Bible." The young man answered, "Sir, would you like to know how we study the Bible? We have spent the last six months trying to find out who wrote the Tanakh, and we know less about it now than when we began." That was not Bible study.