In nomadic times, a father’s authority held the family group together in the camp, and he became the symbol of their security. The ancient patriarchal society structure meant families had fathers who were absolute masters. They had the power of life and death over family members, ruling with unchallenged authority. Although he had extensive responsibilities for those under his care, his power was awesome and his status unquestioned. A man’s possessions included his wife, servants, slaves, and animals -- Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21. In fact, the phrase -to marry a wife- comes from a Hebrew root meaning -to become the master of a wife. A husband was as much the master of his wife as he was of his home or his fields. Consequently, the wife addressed him in a subservient manner, as a slave would address a master -- Genesis 18:12; Judges 19:26. This low status for a woman extended to a daughter’s position in the ancient household. Females were always under the authority of a male relative: first, the father; and then a husband. If a woman became a widow, she was subject to her husband’s nearest male relative, who became her -redeemer. The bride price -- Genesis 29:18, 27; Exodus 22:16-17; 1 Samuel 18:25; 2 Samuel 3:14 -- paid by her husband was not exactly a purchase of the woman from her father, but the exchange of money did label her. The amount of a bride price depended on the father’s status -- Genesis 34:12. The usual price was probably 20 to 30 shekels of silver. The bride received gifts of jewellery, ornaments, and clothing from her future husband, and she occasionally enjoyed some sort of financial or material return from the bride price for her own use -- Joshua 15:19; Judges 1:15. When her father or husband died, the money frequently reverted to her. An engaged woman was considered her fiancé’s property just as much as if she were already married to him -- Deuteronomy 22:23-27. The woman left her own family at marriage to live with and become part of her new husband’s family -- compare Genesis 2:24. Normally, any succeeding marriages would be with members of that family. Nevertheless, the wife’s position was precarious. She could be disowned or divorced by her husband as the result of a simple renunciation: -- She is no longer my wife, and I am no longer her husband. Perhaps he had found fault with her cooking skills, or possibly he was casting his eyes on another woman. In any event, a husband knew that if his wife did not obey, he was within his rights to obtain a divorce -- compare Ecclesiasticus 25:26. The wife, however, obtained a certain degree of protection in the letter of repudiation, by which her freedom was formally restored. Under Jewish tradition, a wife could not divorce her husband. Around the house, the Hebrew wife was not introduced to her husband’s guests, a tradition that subsequently led to considerable embarrassment for Abraham’s wife, Sarah, and for Rebekah -- Genesis 20:16. A woman normally remained veiled in public -- Genesis 24:65; Genesis 38:14; Isaiah 47:2. Despite the low legal status of the mother of the family, her life was not oppressive. She was the legal wife, not an unpaid servant, and she frequently took a strong role as adviser to her husband in family affairs. Her most important function, aside from childbearing, was organization of the household, of which she was generally the respected manager. Even though the wife might have been acquired through capture in war -- Deuteronomy 21:10-14 -- she could not be sold as a slave or daughter could -- Exodus 21:7; Nehemiah 5:5. The imagery in Proverbs 19:13 and Proverbs 27:15 draws a vigorous comparison between a contentious woman and water dripping from a leaky roof. The Old Testament leaves little doubt about the type of behaviour expected from a woman. She was expected to be charming, soft-spoken, discreet, and calm -- Proverbs 9:13; Proverbs 11:16, Proverbs 22; Proverbs 21:9. She was also to be responsible, well-organized, intelligent, thoughtful, reverent, and a good manager of both the household and the family purse -- Proverbs 31:10-31. A woman should also be pious and beautiful. The New Testament asks that she practice humility and be submissive to her husband, a woman adorned with the priceless jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit -- Titus 2:4-5; 1 Peter 3:1-6. The actions of a few women whose roles in life do not seem to fit the pattern of the meek, passive female pictured above, are recorded in the Bible. Esther stands out as a principled heroine who risked her life for the Jewish people. Deborah -a judge- and Jael were also renowned heroines -- Judges 4-5. The Apocrypha-traditional writings not included in Scripture-also have examples of strong women. The book of Judith recounts a heroic tale of how a woman saved a national fortune. Judith was also wealthy - an unusual trait at that time. In contrast to the biblical examples of fortitude, there are those who model evil as well. For example, a vicious woman named Athaliah reigned in Judah for several years -- 2 Kings 11. The women who stepped to the forefront of public life were exceptional and few in number. Yet those who left a godly example in Scripture lived in full obedience to YHVH and His Commands. They demonstrate the belief that women are important to YHVH. These women and others in Scripture are an inspiration to women today who want to wholeheartedly follow YHVH’s Will for their lives. YHVH’s Word has much to say about women’s roles in His wonderful plan.