A mental hospital wanted to evaluate patients for possible release, one of the tests they gave was to take the patient to a cleaner’s closet. There the patient found the water running and overflowing the sink because the sink plug was plugged in. The person was given a mop and told to clean up the mess. The staff wanted to see whether the patient would simply try to mop up the overflowing water or deal with the root problem by turning off the tap. The patient’s response told the staff whether the person was dealing with reality or not and therefore was or was not ready to be released. Anyone who is in touch with reality knows that you cannot mop up a mess when the source of the mess has not been dealt with.

The purpose is that you will not waste your time trying to mop up your circumstances, when YHVH has given you all the Spiritual Authority you need to address the root cause of the circumstances. If you want to change the fruit, you must first address the root. You have to turn off the running water in your own life and start getting things cleaned up. The weapons of your warfare are not going to do you any good if you do not know how to put them into action. Too many believers parade into church every service, then march home and the truth of YHVH never really gets into their lives. People like this are no threat to the devil because he knows they will never use their spiritual weapons against him; the weapons are for show and entertainment only.

There are six pieces of offensive and defensive weaponry YHVH has equipped us with. But Paul does not stop writing there, because in the very next verse he gives us the secret to using this great authority YHVH has made available to. We might say that after describing the believer’s battle dress, Paul tells us how to get dressed and how to access the authority we posses. -- Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. -- Ephesians 6:18. It is prayer that gains us access to the authority we need for victorious warfare. Prayer is the way we get dressed for battle.


Remember the story of the emperor who had no clothes? That is the way a lot of us go around spiritually; we are basically naked, unclothed, because PRAYER is not a dynamic, vital, potent, consistent, controlling, and all-encompassing reality in many believers’ faith lives. Because we do not have our spiritual clothes on, because we do not know how to put on our armour, we end up being spiritually embarrassed. And even worse than that, we are getting mopped up by satan when YHVH has given us everything we need to defeat our enemy; there are two things we need to know about warfare prayer:

1 -- Intercessory prayer is our most powerful and strategic weapon in Spiritual warfare:
Intercessory prayer means that we have to interceding on someone else’s behalf. We must
pray to YHVH for each other’s victory in the spiritual battle. Specially for each other here on TTN. We know that prayer has a direct impact on spiritual warfare. Once Yeshua’s disciples ran into a demon possessed boy that they could not heal, the boy’s father pleaded with Yeshua to help, and Yeshua delivered the boy from the demonic presence. Later Yeshua’s disciples asked Him why they did not have the ability to cast the demon out of this boy as they had done with others. Yeshua replied: -- This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. -- Mark 9:29. Prior to Yeshua’s predicting that Simon Peter would deny Him three times, He had this to say: -- Simon, Simon, behold, satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. -- Luke 22:31-32. The fact is that YHVH’s power becomes visible where prayer prevails. We could look at example after example in the Bible where intercessory prayer was used as a powerful and strategic weapon in spiritual warfare. The point is that we all need to be under a prayer covering from other believers in Moshiach; praying consistently for each other.

2 -- Prayer brings YHVH’s deliverance and power during Spiritual attack:
One of the first things a commander tries to do in warfare is establish superiority in the air; whoever controls the air usually wins the war. If you establish air superiority, you will suffer fewer casualties on the ground. One of our problems is that the church is suffering a lot of casualties on the ground because we have not established superiority in the air, in the heavenly realms where the real warfare is taking place. There is one big difference between an earthly army and the church, an earthly army must go out and win the air war to establish superiority, but Yeshua Moshiach has already won the spiritual war and established air superiority. Our task is to take the superiority we have and use it to win our battles. That is important, because it is possible to lose a battle, even when you have superior weapons, when you are not using those weapons to full advantage. So, what kind of prayer do we need to experience deliverance and power?

A -- Consistent Prayer:
praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit… -- Ephesians 6:18. Prayer is not some kind of an occasional hobby for the Moshiach follower. Prayer is our lifeblood; it is our duty and it is what is normal for us. We must not pray sometimes, we must pray at all the time, we must not pray only on special occasions, we must pray on every occasion, we must not pray in our own power, but in the power of Ruach HaKodesh. The fact is that either we or our friends in Moshiach are under attack constantly, so we must be constantly in prayer. Prayer is the atmosphere in which we fight, and it is the way we stay in vital daily conduct with our Commander. In other words, the way we activate and use the Armour we have been talking about is by consistently approaching our Spiritual Commander in Chief through prayer.

B -- Intense prayer:
… and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. -- Ephesians 6:18. One of the problems we have is that the devil has already taken back a lot of territory from some of the believers. He has taken back the territory of peace from some of us. From others, he has taken back the territory of our homes, our families, our marriages, our businesses. From still others, the devil has taken back the authoritative position that YHVH has given them. Satan is always looking to take back territory that Moshiach has won. If we are going to stand firm, we must know how to put our Armour on and how to use it and that authority is activated through intense prayer. The kind of prayer that Paul has in mind here is intense, fervent, knowledgeable prayer that enables us to reach into heaven and make withdrawals on our Spiritual Account. We are not praying as we fall asleep at night, we are fully alert to satan’s schemes and praying accordingly to defeat him.

C -- Strategic Prayer:
We are not just praying to pray; we are praying for specific people and circumstances. If we know that another believer is tempted in a certain area, we must intercede and pray for that one’s deliverance in that area. If you are in a leadership position preaching the Word, we must intercede and pray for that leader to withstand the enemy’s attack because we know that leaders deal with attacks constantly. When an army is in battle, they do not just start shooting randomly, they aim and fire directly at the place where they know their enemy is located. We need to do the same in prayer.

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