B – We must realise that we are one part of the whole:
For as we have many members in one body and all members have not the same office: so we, being many, are One Body in Moshiach, and every one member’s one of another. -- Romans 12:4-5. Everything does not rise or fall with us or our abilities, it rises or falls depending upon whether we are each doing our part for the greater good. There are literally millions of believers throughout this world and they are from many different nations, they have many different colours of skin, they speak many different languages and belong to many different denominations. YHVH has put together a mosaic of people who, working together, will fulfil the Vision that He has for His Church. Our part in the vision is realizing that we are part of the whole and that our own personal application of YHVH’s vision, combined with that of others in our church and millions of others throughout the world will manifest itself in an unstoppable force called the Church of Yeshua Moshiach. What we must do, is realize what piece of the puzzle YHVH has called us to be and place ourselves in the picture of YHVH’s overall Will for His Church. Paul said: -- We are all One Body in Moshiach, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others. [There is no room for an independent or isolationist spirit].

C – We must encourage visions in others:
Our duties that we have is to encourage the development of vision in other people’s lives. And once that vision is embedded in their very bones, we need to spread it to others around us. If we encouraging another believer and that one is encouraging others around them and they are encouraging others, we will find ourselves well on the way to renewal.

3 – With our participation… :

It is one thing to say we believe in YHVH’s Vision, it is quite another to participate in the vision that YHVH is giving us. Those that sit on the side-lines and do not roll up their sleeves and help to fulfil the vision do not have the ability to focus on what YHVH is doing in our midst. The renewal process involves getting off the side-lines and getting into the game. There are no armchair players allowed on YHVH’s play field. And if we do not participate in YHVH’s plan, we cannot expect to hear a Word from YHVH. The coach does not share his plays with those that are not in the game and YHVH does not speak to those that are not willing to help the church fulfil His vision. If you are not feeling renewed in your Spiritual walk, perhaps it is because you have been standing on the side-lines for too long. The problem that we sometimes have is that we end up with a few people doing all the work for the many that do not want to get involved. The challenge for those believers that are not participating in spreading the Gospel is to start doing so; it is not right for anyone to depend on everyone else to always be ministering for them, they need to do their part and YHVH expects us to do it. If every single person in the church or social group would find their area of ministry and do their best at it, we would see renewal take place like we cannot even imagine. With each of us participating, four things will happen.

A – The Church and social groups will grow Spiritually:
Part of the great Commission that Yeshua gave involves continued Spiritual Growth. We are not only called to win people to Moshiach, but to disciple and teach them. When we each are doing our part the result is a group of fully dedicated disciples that are growing in their spiritual walk with Elohim. This stuff becomes contagious when we join together with YHVH’s vision.

B – Our social groups and gatherings will grow numerically:
It is YHVH’s Vision that the believers grows numerically. Over and over again throughout the book of Acts YHVH records for us the numerical growth. It is kind of ironic when believers say they prefer a small church or ministry or just a faith social group, because they cannot find a anything else like that in the Bible! The believers that is in tune with YHVH is growing, in fact if groups, ministries or gatherings are not experiencing numerical growth there has to be something wrong. With every believer participating, this will happen.

C -- Gospel social groups, ministries and even gatherings will grow geographically:
Part of the plan on TTN is to spread the Gospel and Torah throughout the world; we are going to spread out as far and wide as we can as we implement YHVH’s vision. This will happen and we will continually experience the renewal that YHVH has planned for us as long as we abide to His Commandments and encourage each other. It is easy for us to get so wrapped up in plans, finances and programs, that we can lose sight of the vision that started this whole TTN thing. While we are building a tool, it is a tool and it is not the vision itself. It is simply a means to fulfil the vision that YHVH has given to each one of us. Also remember that while we must do all the work that is necessary to get the TTN tool built, we cannot and must not lose sight of the fact that YHVH has called us to something much greater than just build TTN. YHVH has called us, ALL OF US, to fulfil the dream that He has placed in our hearts to win people to Moshiach and to disciple them to maturity. If you do not dream that dream on a regular basis, you are in need of personal renewal and YHVH will give it to you, if you simply follow His guidance.