Shalom, wow, what a week! Just seven days ago my children and I were embarking on the start of a brand new life. Leaving an abusive situation, having my husband arrested and probably never coming back.
Going into the Shabbat this week, I am feeling lonely, lost, and powerless. However, I have to trust in Yahweh. I have to make promises and be faithful to my relationship to him.
I'm having to change a lot. Grow up a lot. And confront a lot I had been "running and hiding" from.
I had a gaming addiction that would help me to put the blinders on. That was my part in the whole mess. I ran away, and hid behind a screen. I admit my faults and repent of them. I haven't touched a game in 7 days!
We are back home now, and doing the reparation process. So much is broken. So much needs fixing. I am overwhelmed.
Read the Bible!
Read the Bible!
Read the Bible!!!