In order to qualify to be a Resident (19 USC 81o) subject to the Mandates and Codes, one must also qualify to be "party" - 1 USC § 1 (corporations, business entities, *not* mankind) - to the Foreign and Interstate Commerce (Foreign and Interstate Commerce Act, codified at 49 USC) of "United States" Inc, also known as "District Of Columbia" and "Washington D.C.", must be on land ceded to District Of Columbia by Private Unincorporated Americans (currently living - you must cede your own land, not someone else's, by properly following document process) for Pecuniary Business Purposes (19 USC § 81n) with Public Property while On Duty as an Employee of United States with 48 CFR 52.212-5 Contract, hand written Notice of Intent To Occupy Public Office, hand written Notice of Acceptance of Public Office and Employment, documented evidence of receipt of Federal Public Funds (12 USC 411/412) as Payment for Citizenship (Citizen translates to "Public Servant" and is a Government Employee and noone else at any time for any reason, and a CitizenShip is a "franchise"/"ship"/"boat"/"special purpose vehicle" "on the high seas in Foreign and Interstate Commerce" ) with perfected Chain Of Title and Certification rendered by the Resident and the State (there are three governments so this gets vague until you nail down 28 USC § 3002 15(c) as being a Franchise of the Federal Government, and the Federal Government being a SubContractor of the Union of States which is *under* the American people) and service rendered to the public in the course of duty as a citizen, and having permission from the Board of Directors to Reside in Foreign territory (American Lands) on Ceded Lands (for "Needful Buildings" - Armories, stockyards, post offices and nowhere else) for Public Service Duties.

If you don't have all that mess of paperwork then just ask for proof that you are a resident or a correction of records if you are not. Natives are not residents - natives have a right to the land and residents do not. Residents pay taxes, natives do not. See the IRS Publication "Rights of Non Taxpayers" ( You can learn more about how all this works and how to simply be "unqualified to participate in the ongoing genocide program as a victim or target" with