The disciples didn’t have to wait long for Yeshua’s promise to come true. About a week and a half after Yeshua went up into heaven, Ruach HaKodesh came down at a gathering of believers with a sound [like the roaring of a mighty windstorm] and in the form of [what looked like flames or tongues of fire] -- Acts 2:1-4. As a result, the believers found themselves speaking in other languages and were able to communicate the story of Yeshua to various travellers in Jerusalem in the other peoples’ native tongues. And from that point onward, Ruach HaKodesh is acknowledged as being instrumental in the growth and development of the Church. Ruach HaKodesh indwells each believer upon his or her confession of faith and belief in Yeshua -- Romans 5:5; 1 Corinthians 2:12. He [Ruach HaKodesh is described with the qualities of a person rather than merely those of a ghost or a force] assigns various gifts to believers that lend to the cohesion and effective operation of the church as the Body of Moshiach. The Fruit of the Spirit is developed as believers yield to the direction of Ruach HaKodesh and discover genuine [love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control] -- Galatians 5:22-23. The primary role of Ruach HaKodesh is to point to the significance of Yeshua as Saviour and Adonai. Ruach HaKodesh draws non-believers to YHVH -- John 16:8-9, and accompanies each individual believer throughout a lifetime of learning and spiritual growth. He also acts as a kind of [Interpreter] to ensure that YHVH hears our pleas and prayers. But just because Ruach HaKodesh is so prevalent throughout the New Testament doesn’t mean He wasn’t also around in the Old Testament as well. The [Spirit of YHVH] is mentioned in regard to Creation -- Genesis 1:2; Isaiah 40:12-13, and is said to have equipped certain individuals for specific tasks [such as Daniel] -- Daniel 5:11-12, [Joshua] -- Numbers 27:18, [Samson] -- Judges 15:14], and others. But in spite of numerous Old Testament references, the activity of Ruach HaKodesh among YHVH’s people was somewhat restricted until after the ministry and sacrifice of Yeshua. The Spirit of YHVH is our YHVH in action within us, upon us or around us. YHVH’s Spirit is YHVH at work, making things happen in the world. We cannot see the Spirit, but we can see the results of His Power. The Spirit of YHVH was present when the world was created. YHVH sent His Spirit to do powerful things among His people, Israel. Later, YHVH sent His Spirit when Yeshua lived on earth and the Spirit has been present with believers ever since.

The Spirit in the Old Testament:
There are three different ways in which the Word [Spirit] is used in the Bible. It is a wind from YHVH, the breath of life and a Spirit that fills a person with strong emotion or power.

In the book of Genesis, the wind from YHVH was what caused the waters of the Flood to stop rising -- Genesis 8:1. This same wind from YHVH blew locusts all over Egypt -- Exodus 10:13 and sent quail for the Israelites to eat -- Exodus 14:21. YHVH blew wind from His nostrils to part the waters of the Red Sea so that the Yisraelites could walk across on dry land. In -- Genesis 2:7, we read that YHVH created man by breathing His Spirit into him. Human beings only have life because of the Breath of Life or the Spirit, that is within them. YHVH, through His Spirit, is the Source of all Life, whether animal or human. In the Old Testament the Spirit of YHVH would sometimes fill people, causing them to say or do things that they normally could not do, in order to fulfil YHVH’s purposes. People who were filled with the Spirit were given a great responsibility to fulfil because of the Spirit that was within them. Leaders were recognized by the Spirit within them. In -- Judges Chapter 3, YHVH’s Spirit filled a man named Othniel. He became a judge and was able to win a war and keep the peace in Israel for forty years. YHVH’s Spirit also filled other judges such as Gideon and Jephthah. Because of the Spirit of YHVH, they were able to conquer their enemies. Sometimes, as in the case of Saul, YHVH would send an evil spirit to fill someone in order to carry out His plans -- see 1 Samuel 16:14-16; Judges 9:23; 1 Kings 22:19-23.

The Spirit at Work Among the Prophets:
The prophets in the Old Testament had the job of giving messages from the Spirit of YHVH to the people. It was important for the people to know the difference between a false prophet and a true prophet of YHVH. The term [Ruach HaKodesh] is used in the Psalms and in Isaiah to set apart the Spirit of YHVH from any other spirit, whether human or from YHVH -- Psalm 51:11; Isaiah 63:10-11. A false prophet would not have Ruach HaKodesh. A prophet that had a message from Ruach HaKodesh would have the character of a person who was obedient to YHVH. The people could recognize a false prophet by evaluating the prophet’s character as well as the message he was delivering. The prophets wrote about the Spirit in two significant ways. The Spirit inspired prophecy and it would be known again in the age to come, when Yeshua would be on earth. The later prophets, such as Ezekiel, Haggai and Zechariah, claimed that the Spirit was the inspirer of prophecy. This means that the Spirit gave them the words that they proclaimed and wrote down. The Spirit of YHVH was responsible for everything that the writers of the Bible wrote down. The prophets also wrote that YHVH would show His power through the Spirit in the age to come. Isaiah prophesied that the Spirit would come again to anoint a man who would bring salvation to all people -- Isaiah 11:2; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 61:1. He was talking about Yeshua Moshiach. The Moshiach was the King the Jews were waiting for. Through Yeshua, the Spirit would be given freely to all of Israel -- Ezekiel 39:29; Joel 2:28-29; Zechariah 12:10, as part of a New Covenant between YHVH and man -- Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:26-27. The Covenant was a promise from YHVH that He would send His Spirit to deliver His people. The Israelites had broken their Old Covenant with YHVH because they continued to disobey Him. Under the New Covenant, YHVH promised to forgive them. Between the time of the Old Testament and the New Testament, it was believed that the Spirit was no longer present in Israel. During that time the Spirit’s Voice was no longer heard through the voices of the prophets. But the Spirit was known again when our Moshiach, came to the earth.

The Spirit in the New Testament:

Connecting the Old and New Testament:
We cannot fully comprehend the New Testament’s teaching on the Spirit without reading and understanding the use of the Spirit in the Old Testament. John speaks of the Spirit as a [wind] -- John 3:8 and Paul writes of it as [breath] -- 2 Thessalonians 2:8. In -- Revelation 11:11, the Spirit is described as a [breath of life.] These same descriptions of the Spirit are found in the Old Testament. Also, the New Testament writers agreed with the prophets of the Old Testament in that the Spirit inspired Scripture -- see Mark 12:36; Acts 28:25; Hebrews 3:7; 2 Peter 1:21. The Spirit that the Old Testament writers looked forward to was realized in the New Testament. Just as Isaiah had prophesied, the Spirit came again during the time of Yeshua. This [new age] was one in which the Spirit was once again present on earth. Yeshua was the anointed or specially chosen one, who came to give Salvation. Yeshua came and gave His Spirit to those who believed in Him. This was the beginning of the faith.