The Spirit in Yeshua’s Ministry:
An important aspect of Yeshua’s Ministry [His work on earth] and the message of His followers was that the Spirit was already with them, that this [new age] was the present. No other Jews of that time, except for a group called the Essenes of Qumran, believed in the presence of the Spirit among them. The prophets and the rabbis of the New Testament were still looking to a future time when a Moshiach would come. They did not realize that Yeshua was the Moshiach. Even John the Baptist spoke of one who would come and of the Spirit’s work in the future -- Mark 1:8. For Yeshua and His followers, the Spirit-filled life was a reality. The first Believers believed they were living in the [last days] because the prophecies of the Spirit’s return had come true in their time. Yeshua knew that His teachings and healings were fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament -- Matthew 12:41-42; Matthew 13:16-17. He also knew He was the one that was specially chosen by the Spirit to bring salvation to mankind -- Matthew 5:3-6; Luke 4:17-19. Yeshua understood that the power to perform miracles came from YHVH. YHVH displayed His Power through Yeshua, just as He will in the end times -- Matthew 12:27-28; Mark 3:22-26. The Spirit of YHVH was with Yeshua as He lived among men. Because so many people were still looking to the coming of the Spirit in the [end times,] the writers of the Gospels [the first four books of the Bible] emphasized the role of the Spirit in the birth of Yeshua -- Matthew 1:18; John 3:34, in His baptism -- Mark 1:9-10 and in His Ministry -- Luke 4:1, 14; Luke 10:21. They wanted to show people that the Spirit was with them, that they were already living in the [end times] and that Yeshua’s life was proof of that.

The Spirit at Work Among the First Believers:
The Believer church began with Yeshua’s resurrection. Believers believe that Yeshua died to save them from their sin and that He rose again from the dead. Following the Resurrection, Yeshua appeared to His disciples and breathed Ruach HaKodesh on them -- John 20:22. After Yeshua was taken back up into heaven, the Spirit was given to the disciples on the day of Pentecost. At Pentecost, the believers were overwhelmed with visions and they spoke in tongues when the Spirit entered them -- Acts 2:2-5, 17-18. They believed that they were entering into the [new age] that was prophesied by Joel. This new age was one in which the Spirit was present on earth, living and working in the lives of Believers. The Gift of the Spirit was seen as the Power of this new age -- Hebrews 6:4-5. The apostle Paul understood the presence of the Spirit in the believer’s life to be a certain sign that that person had been saved from his sins. The believer could be assured that YHVH had granted him eternal life in heaven -- 2 Corinthians 1:22. Paul taught that it was necessary for a believer to have the Spirit in order to enter YHVH’s Kingdom -- Romans 8:15-17. The Spirit changes their believers’ lives to become more like Yeshua. Becoming more like Yeshua is a lifelong process, because every believer is caught in the daily conflict between living in the Spirit or according to sinful desires. The process does not end until the person is brought completely under the Spirit’s power -- Romans 8:11, 23.

The Spirit Gives Salvation and Life:
John the Baptist had spoken of Yeshua as one who would come and baptize with Ruach HaKodesh and with fire -- Matthew 3:11. Yeshua referred to this in -- Acts 1:5 and -- 11:16 and it was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost -- 2:17, 33. When the Spirit was poured out on the disciples at Pentecost, they were given salvation from YHVH because they believed in Yeshua. One of Luke’s most important messages in the book of Acts is that a person must have the Spirit in order to be a believer -- Acts 2:38-39. Even though Yeshua had followers while He was on earth, they were not saved until they received the Spirit. Peter recognized that when the Spirit entered the person’s life, YHVH had accepted that person. An example of this is Apollos. He did not know all about who Yeshua was, but because he was filled with the Spirit -- 18:24-26, he was effective in spreading the Gospel. Paul emphasizes in his letter that believing in Yeshua and receiving the Spirit go hand in hand. When a person receives the Spirit, he or she begins the Believer life -- Galatians 3:2-3. When one is baptized in the Spirit, that person becomes a member of the Body of Moshiach -- 1 Corinthians 12:13. A person belongs to Moshiach and is a child of YHVH upon receiving the Spirit -- Romans 8:9-11, 14-17. The Spirit is the Life-Giver. When a person believes in Moshiach, he or she becomes a new creation -- John 20:22. The Spirit is the Power of YHVH that brings about this new birth in believers. Believers experience new life because of the Spirit living in them.

Experiencing the Spirit:
There are many ways that the Spirit works among His people. When the first Believers referred to the Spirit, they were thinking of experiences of divine power. They used the word [Spirit] to explain the experiences of new life, freedom from the law and spiritual renewal. They wrote of experiences of extreme joy and moral transformation brought about by the work of the Spirit. Paul wrote about spiritual gifts such as inspired speech -- 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, miracles and healings -- Galatians 3:5, acts of service, counselling, administrating, helping others and showing mercy -- Romans 12:7-8. These are all gifts from the Spirit. While there are many experiences and gifts of the Spirit, individual believers cannot expect to encounter every one of them in their own lives. The Spirit gives different spiritual gifts to different people. Yet all believers receive gifts of the Spirit. It is important for individual believers to recognize the gifts and experiences of the Spirit in their own lives. These gifts and experiences serve as a sign of a believer’s salvation and new life.

Growing in the Spirit:
Believers shared their experiences of the Spirit and through this the early church began to grow. The Spirit brought people into the Body of Moshiach through the ministry of Paul and the other apostles. Paul travelled to many different places such as Samaria and Caesarea and it was the Spirit that enabled him to preach the truth about salvation and bring people to belief in Yeshua. The apostles were given many gifts of the Spirit, including healing and miracles, in order to better proclaim the message of salvation. Because of these gifts of the Spirit, the early church grew and unified. Even today we can see how the members of the Body of Moshiach are unified through the different gifts of the Spirit. A person who preaches is just as important as the person who helps an elderly person do his laundry. Preaching and helping others are both very important gifts from the Spirit and work together to help build the Church.

Who is Ruach HaKodesh?

Ruach HaKodesh is a Member of the Trinity:
[And when Yeshua came up out of the water, He saw the heavens split open and Ruach HaKodesh descending like a dove on Him. And a voice came from heaven saying: You are My beloved Son and I am fully pleased with you.] -- Mark 1:10-11. As Yeshua was baptized, a revelation of YHVH was given. The Spirit descended like a dove on Yeshua and the voice from heaven proclaimed the Father’s approval of Yeshua as His Divine Son. That Yeshua is YHVH’s Divine Son is the foundation for all we read about Yeshua in the Gospels. Here we see all three members of the Trinity together: Our YHVH the Father, YHVH the Son and YHVH Ruach HaKodesh.