Do you have a Bible Bully?
Even Moses was bullied and many others
Most people think being bullied comes from someone outside their faith. And that does happen. People who don't know the Bible nor understand it. You give them a pass even come back for more if it wins the day! And in my life, I have encountered many of these. I have yet to meet anyone who really loves the LORD and wants to get others to know HIM that has NOT had this happen to them. We all know there are many reasons people DO not have a spiritual life and they don't want one, even if they live under Satan's spiritual control...
YOU'RE in GOOD COMPANY if this type of bullying has happened to YOU!
There is another type of Bible Bully. You will find these people in churches or places of worship and yes on the internet. They know more than anyone. In their eyes, most people without formal education are well not up to the task of really knowing their Bible correctly. Their form of teaching is the ONLY WAY. Paul ran into this type of Bullying. They love titles and often are willing and waiting to give you what that title is theirs and keep using it to put others in their place. So you know they are smarter than you. The company you keep here is with Peter, John, and Paul. Yes, even Moses. Every person you know now and in history, both women and the men who have served the LORD has had their bullying and a LOT of it and it is recorded in the Bible and history books and in your life story as well.
Peter Acts 4:13
Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
UNLEARNED vs experts
Where Paul who knew his stuff and was VERY LEARNED was told it was his timing and how he did and said things that weren't correct or clear. He didn't fit the part of what the different churches had seen of him or heard. They look down at Paul regardless of his KNOWLEDGE.
You are in GOOD COMPANY if you are a smart person you still will get Bully never good enough because you have the love for the LORD. Modern example: Dr. James Tour laugh at for his faith in Jesus The Messiah. Awards: Oesper Award (2021), Centenary Prize (2020), Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (2008)
When it comes to doing the LORD's work, teaching, or witnessing there are no professionals.
Running into a Bible Bully is power for the course. What course? The Course of action. Remember it is the Book of Acts not the Book of Reacts. BE BOLD. That book is still being written in the Kingdom of GOD.
The LORD will overtake the bullies wherever they attack. Just a thought.
