YHVH’s Covenant With David:
When David became king of Israel, YHVH modified His Covenant with the people of Israel again and said that the descendants of David would always be king -- 2 Samuel 23:5. David’s descendants did rule Israel until Babylon conquered them. At that point, many of the Israelites were not sure how YHVH could keep His Promise to David. After all, how could a nation of exiles and slaves give birth to a king? Eventually, however, YHVH kept His Promise with the birth of Yeshua, who was a descendent of David, and who was to be King for all eternity.

The New Covenant:
The words New Covenant are mostly found in the New Testament and they refer to the redemptive work of Yeshua Moshiach in His death and resurrection. While the Old Testament Covenant only included the Israelites, the New Covenant extended YHVH’s Grace to all people.

The Prediction of the New Covenant:
Even though the Old Testament Covenant was a wonderful gift from YHVH, it was still dependent on the Israelites’ obedience to YHVH. Each time the Israelites disobeyed YHVH, they had to offer burnt sacrifices in order to restore their relationship with YHVH. Many of YHVH’s prophets knew that the Israelites, because of their sin, would never be obedient enough to earn the Grace of YHVH. Because of this, YHVH gave these prophets the message of a New Covenant that would offer His Grace unconditionally to all people. The story of the prophet Hosea is a wonderful parable of the New Covenant YHVH was planning for Israel. YHVH Commanded Hosea to marry a woman named Gomer. Soon after they were married, Gomer was unfaithful to Hosea. Their marriage covenant was broken, and they divorced. Eventually, YHVH Commanded Hosea to return to Gomer and their marriage was restored. In the same way, YHVH’s relationship with Israel, which had been broken because of the Israelites’ disobedience, would eventually be restored and blessed by the New Covenant. The prophet Jeremiah also spoke of YHVH’s New Covenant. Jeremiah was a witness to one of the worst periods of Israel’s history. During his life, Israel was conquered by Babylon and forced into slavery. Israel no longer owned the land YHVH had granted to them with the Covenant at Sinai, and YHVH’s blessing on them seemed a thing of the distant past. In the midst of all this, YHVH sent Jeremiah the message of the New Covenant. [The days are coming, says Adonai, when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and the people of Judah -- Jeremiah 31:34. Despite Israel’s constant disobedience to YHVH, He was promising a New Covenant that would provide complete forgiveness for all sins. When the New Covenant arrived, YHVH would offer all people eternal protection and comfort.

The Fulfilment of the New Covenant:
When Yeshua Moshiach came to earth, He came to implement YHVH’s New Covenant. His death and resurrection brought radical changes to the Covenant in the Old Testament. The Old Covenant was written on stone tablets; the New Covenant was written in peoples’ hearts. The Old Covenant required animal sacrifices; under the New Covenant, Yeshua’ death provided the perfect sacrifice for all sins all the time. YHVH offered the Old Covenant only to the Israelites; the New Covenant made YHVH’s Grace available to everyone. Under the New Covenant, all people are able to have an intimate relationship with YHVH through Yeshua Moshiach. The book of Hebrews talks extensively about YHVH’s New Covenant. The writer of Hebrews attempts to explain why the New Covenant involving Yeshua Moshiach is better than the Old Testament covenant YHVH set up at Mount Sinai. The writer gives numerous reasons why the new covenant is far superior.

1 -- The New Covenant needs only one priest, Yeshua Moshiach, who is the eternal Mediator between YHVH and man.
2 -- Because Yeshua’ death was the perfect sacrifice, there is no need for the repeated animal sacrifices YHVH required of the Israelites. Yeshua’ death and resurrection provide an eternal and perpetual sacrifice for all people’s sins.
3 -- The New Covenant provides all people with a direct and intimate relationship with YHVH. Through this relationship, YHVH can purify our hearts and minds.
4. The New Covenant Promises the guiding Power and Comfort of Ruach HaKodesh for all people who believe.

Yeshua Moshiach is the fulfilment of all of YHVH’s Covenants throughout history. Because of Yeshua’ work on earth, all people are invited to be a participant in YHVH’s Community of believers. Each person has the opportunity to either accept or reject this Covenant with YHVH. We cannot change it. If we decide to reject YHVH and live for ourselves, He will not keep His Promise to care for us. But if we believe in YHVH’s Promises and are faithful to Him, YHVH tells us He will forgive our disobedience and no longer remember our sins -- Jeremiah 31:34.