David Martin  is feeling Blessed
3 yrs

I’m pretty blessed, I had pizza, cheese cake, and brownies for Sabbath today. I’ve eaten, I’m satisfied, and I’m so thankful to Yah!

“And it shall be, when Yahuwah your Elohim brings you into the land of which He swore to your fathers, to Avraham, to Yitsaq, and to Ya'aqo?, to give you great and good cities which you did not build, and houses filled with all kinds of goods, which you did not fill, and wells dug which you did not dig, vineyards and olive trees which you did not plant, and you shall eat and be satisfied – be on guard, lest you forget Yahuwah who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, from the house of bondage.
(Deu 6:10-12 TS2009)

#yahuwah #yeshua #bible #scripture #thankful #food