I've had a question going through my head today. Does Paul ever claim his Epistles are scripture? I have a friend who has been challenging my stance on the Torah by suggesting I read Galatians 5 and other Pauline Epistles. I told him I listen to God's word and not the words of other men, to which he replied and asked me if I thought Paul's letters were part of the scripture and if they were inspired by God. Then I had to consider and think what did Paul say? Did he ever claim his words were scripture? Did he ever claim them as inspired? Did he say anything like this? The only thing I can think of, is when he talks of something in Corinthians and he says to note that what he said were the words of christ. I also had to think of 2nd Timothy 3:15 and 16 that says all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for a proof, for rebuke, for instruction in righteousness.. I honestly do not think that we can place any writings above the Torah. Where we place other writings in relation to other parts of God's word can make a tremendous difference on what we believe.