These three questions are of utmost important to each and every one of us.

Yeshua applies His own Blood to us when, by faith, we receive His finished work at Calvary. This is not a physical sprinkling; rather, it is a legal, spiritual transaction. He applies the Blood on our hearts in response to our faith. Until we truly believe in the power of His sacrifice at Calvary, the Blood of Yeshua cannot produce any effect upon our souls! [Whom YHVH hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His Blood, to declare His Righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of YHVH.] -- Romans 3:25. Churches around the world partake of communion regularly and many, many believers partake in communion during candle lighting time at the start of Shabbat. Yet, Paul warns us not to [drink the cup in an unworthy manner.] This does not mean merely partaking of a communion service after we have failed in some way; we know that if we repent of our sin, Yeshua will forgive us and cleanse us of all iniquity. Paul is saying we are to discern Moshiach's Body properly. He is talking about coming to Adonai's Table, drinking of the cup symbolic of His Blood and yet not believing in the Power of that Blood! It has to do with sitting in condemnation and fear; not believing that Moshiach's Blood has justified and sanctified us in YHVH's sight. [Likewise, also the cup after supper, saying, this cup is the New Covenant in My Blood, which is shed for you.] -- Luke 22:20. When you place your faith in the finished work of Yeshua, the Covenant has been sealed by His Blood, the agreement has been reached and the contract has been signed.


A -- Yeshua' Blood redeems us from sin and the power of darkness:
[In whom we have redemption through His Blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His Grace.] -- Ephesians 1:7. We are no longer under condemnation or fear! A lot of people have been redeemed and justified by the Blood but they do not know it, because they live in fear and condemnation. They have given faith to Adonai, but they have not entered into the glory of being justified by the Blood. But the fact is that our sins have been covered and the debt paid in full! We have to enter into that knowledge by faith in order to have the benefit which is peace with YHVH!

B -- Yeshua' Blood breaks down all walls:
[But now in Yeshua Moshiach ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the Blood of Moshiach. For He is our Peace, Who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us.] -- Ephesians 2:13-14. We are all one in Moshiach, a Blood-sprinkled Church. Those who are Blood-sprinkled no longer have any walls of separation.

C -- Yeshua' Blood overcomes Satan:
[And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.] -- Revelation 12:11. What is the Word of the testimony? It is simply this: [I believe in the Blood! I testify to the prevailing, overcoming power of the Blood of Yeshua and I proclaim its total victory!} If you want to overcome Satan, stand on the Blood and proclaim its power!

D -- Yeshua’ Blood gives us access to the Holy of Holies:
This is where YHVH dwells; we now have complete access to the Father. [Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the Blood of Yeshua.] -- Hebrews 10:19. We can now come to our Father boldly, without fear!


There are a number of things I could say here, but I just want to focus on the most important one. We are to go in peace and doubt no more! When Moses sprinkled blood on the sinning Israelites, they never once doubted they were pardoned and accepted by YHVH. They trusted in that sprinkling! Today, the blood sprinkled on us is not that of bulls, goats or sheep, but of Moshiach, the Lamb of YHVH. Yet we have more doubt, and more fear than those Israelites! Martin Luther said it is blasphemy to take back to ourselves all the sins that were laid on Moshiach and I agree! It is absolute sacrilege to go about in fear, guilt and condemnation and to say, [The Bible says that by faith I am cleansed, justified and protected from satan's power, yet I cannot believe such a wonderful thing is possible!] If you are a Moshiach Follower, be in peace today, know that YHVH has come into Covenant with you through the Blood of His Son Yeshua Moshiach.