The Word of God is our necessary daily food, Amen?

I am going to start a Bible reading "class" for beginners to the Bible. We will read through the Old Testament first, taking approximately two years to read one chapter daily. There will be a new post on ALP daily. I will post the link to the reading, and then the explanation, from the teaching tools, on what was read. It will be a single post instead of the 4 or 8 or 20 posts that appear in the Previous Studies links at the bottom of the current Bible reading posts. (The current Bible reading posts will continue, the Bible for Beginners post will be in addition.)

The explanation will highlight history, understanding the 'hard' places of Scripture, and the prophecy of the gospel of grace or the ministry of Messiah Yeshua. Then a third year to do a Psalms/ Proverbs and a New Testament chapter daily - we will see where we are when we get there.

I thought about doing an email list, but instead I will post the Bible for Beginners daily on ALP, and then the same in MeWe and on Gab and Torah Network. Please use in family devotions with children, or in children's church, or wherever the Father leads. I don't even care for credit (except do not print to sell, they are copyrighted.) The enemy tells so many lies about YHVH which shipwreck people's faith, and YHVH wants the truth out!

I have been reading the Bible daily for over 55 years, and sometimes things that are questions for beginners don't even register in my brain. So I am hoping that if anyone has questions about the daily reading, they will ask. HINT HINT! PLEASE ASK!

As to when we will start. The New Year is upon us very soon, and it will be an excellent time to start. SO, SOON!
