Did the Word Made Flesh come to set us free from the Word of YHWH? (Set us free from Himself?)

Pastors say that The Living Word Made Flesh came to set us free from the Instructions in the Word. They said that death didn't come until the law or without the law, and that if you get rid of the instructions in the Torah, then you won't have the consequences of sin. 

If you have a car and the instructions from the manufacturer says that you must check the oil and make sure the oil is full and not contaminated or worn out, then can you blame the consequences on the instructions from the manufacturer? If you say that the manufacturer freed you from the manufacturer's instructions, then if you don't check the oil and change the oil, will you avoid the consequences of running the car without oil or with bad oil? Ignoring the instructions or saying that you are no longer under the bondage of oil maintenance, does not remove the consequences of poor oil maintenance.

The Bible says that the Instructions in the Torah are freedom, so how were we set free from freedom? Why would Yeshuah Hamashiach Jesus the Messiah, come to set us free from freedom?

Reading the manufacturer's owner manual gives you freedom from unnecessary engine wear and early untimely engine death if you obey the instructions from the manufacturer. If anyone tells you otherwise, then they are trying to cause you to neglect your car leading to it's destruction. Maybe they don't want to feel bad about not maintaining their own car, so they believe that if you neglect your car too, then they won't be convicted by seeing others obey the instructions.

The serpent told Eve her engine would not surely die if she didn't follow the manufacturer's instructions. The serpent wasn't even a car salesman, hoping Eve's car would break down, so that the serpent could sell Eve another car, no the Serpent just wanted her destruction, to kill Adam and Eve, steal their freedom, and destroy what was theirs. It is never too late to get the car aligned with the manufacturer's specifications, to extend the life of your car.
