The time Yeshua walked the earth in human form, He touched many by healing the blind, the cripple, the deaf, the devil inflicted ones, those with leprosy etc. He has healed so many by only touching them. We as believers in today's life, also seek, pray, hope and belief that He is still healing. BUT! One woman had the courage to touch the hem of His garment -- and she was not only healed, she was made whole. That is what is written in the Bible. She was made whole! Therefore then, do not just pray for healing and problem solving. Let your prayers touch His hem as well and be made whole. Pray then that you would be changed and not your circumstances. Many believers and self proclaimed Christians are spiritually blind, spiritually crippled and deaf to His Voice. Touch His garment, become whole and allow Him to be in charge - in your wake, in your sleep, in your words, your travel, your whole being. Love you all!