For those keeping up with Pieter and Wiljo's adventure, here is the latest chapter:

Shalom chaveriem, after 28 travel hours and 6 countries we were warmly welcomed in Switzerland by Marcel, Elisheva and their children.

Thursday afternoon around 15.30 we left Moldova.
After about three hours of driving we arrived at the border with Romania, through which we were allowed to pass quite easily and quickly. During the night we crossed Romania. Romania has no highways and has many mountains that we had to drive over. But compared to Moldova, the roads are easy to drive on.
We wanted to try to drive as far as possible to Switzerland. We alternated every three hours.

After Romania, we were both still in good shape, so we decided to continue riding in Hungary as well.
In the meantime we were driving on a good highway and we were making good progress.
Well then let's try Austria too we thought and before we knew it we were driving into Germany and actually we were both like let's drive on to Switzerland to our loving host family.
We kept a close eye on each other to make sure things were going well and it was.

Before we started riding we asked if Heavenly Father would protect us but also if he would give us supernatural alertness and fitness, and we both experienced that. After 28 hours of driving we were tired but we still felt fit to drive even further if it had been necessary.

After a delicious meal with Marcel and Elisheva we went to sleep and this morning we were spoiled again with a delicious breakfast.
It took some getting used to to be served after three weeks of intensive service.

Under a wonderfully warm sun we enjoyed this God-given Shabbat. How could I ever believe that God's commandments are a yoke and that people who try to keep them are legalistic. It is pure joy.
We have gratefully accepted it as a precious gift from God.
God is good.

ABBA had prepared another present for us. We would be home somewhere on Sunday afternoon. But completely in the character of our journey, this also turned out differently, so that we could board the high-speed train immediately after Shabbat and greet all our wives tonight. Baruch HaShem.
At the moment we are whizzing every now and then at 300 km per hour towards the Netherlands.

Shavua tov (good week)

#mishpocha #houseofisrael #aniyosef
