Bind and Loose to Reclaim your County within your State.
By the power of Yehovah (God) in the name and authority of Yeshua haMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) I use my Biblical Authority to:
Bind all wrongdoers and lawless persons within COUNTY NAME, STATE.
Ask for Yehovah to close all spiritual eyes, to make deaf all spiritual ears, and to shut all spiritual months on all wrongdoers, lawless persons, those that practice astral projection and those that use animals to see, hear and speak through them. These are those that do not serve Yehovah nor have love in their heart for Yeshua within COUNTY NAME, STATE.
Bind all Demons and Malevolent spirits on, in or near any person or animal within COUNTY NAME, STATE.
Bind all wondering Demons and Malevolent spirits within COUNTY NAME, STATE.
Command all Demons and Malevolent spirits in COUNTY NAME, STATE to Be Silent, To Be Still, and to Not Cause Harm to the person or animal they are IN, ON or NEAR.
Cancel all assignments given to Demons and Malevolent spirits operating within COUNTY NAME, STATE.
Command ALL Demons and Malevolent spirits in COUNTY NAME, STATE to NOT send reinforcements and to RETURN to whom that sent them on assignments.
Command the Demons and Malevolent spirits Not to cause harm to the person or persons that sent them on assignments. May the defeat in their missions be a testimony of the Power of Yehovah and His son, Yeshua.
Loose the Kingdom of Yehovah’s Warring Angels to engage the fallen Angels called Demons and the Malevolent spirits that are NOT in or on any person or animal to defeat them and kick them out of COUNTY NAME, STATE.
Loose the Kingdom of Yehovah’s Hedge of Protection around COUNTY NAME, STATE as I reclaim this County as Yehovah’s territory,
Asking for the Redeeming Blood of Yeshua to cover all of COUNTY NAME, STATE and all that is within it. Nullifying all magic, witchcraft, and all other forms of spiritual evil. Cleansing it of all iniquity.
Asking for the Ruach haKodesh to minister to each person within COUNTY NAME, STATE that they would repent, ask for forgiveness, and choose Yeshua as their deliverer and the only way to salvation.
Asking Yehovah that for those that will not choose Yeshua that they would leave COUNTY NAME, STATE and never return.
Thank You, Yehovah in the mighty name of your son, Yeshua!
I walk by the Power of Yehovah carrying the testimony of Yeshua. Exercising my Biblical authority that I have been given to be able to bind, command, cancel, loose, and ask on Earth and it will be done also in Heaven! I rejoice only in that my name is written in the Book of LIFE. Yeshua, IS the one who is to come by the power and in the name of Yehovah! HalleluYAH! His servants hear his voice and wait faithfully for HIS return to gather us.