Example of Life

When Yeshua makes our souls alive, then the one thing we have to do is to try to be like Him.

A little girl went to a writing school. When she saw the copy set before her, she said: [I can never write like that.] But she took up her pen and put it timidly on the paper. [I can but try,] she said. [I'll do the best I can.] She wrote half a page. The letters were crooked. She feared to have the teacher look at her book. But when the teacher came, he looked and smiled. [I see you are trying, my little girl,] he said kindly, [and that is all I expect.] She took courage. Again and again she studied the beautiful copy. She wrote very carefully, but the letters straggled here, were crowded there, and some of them seemed to look every way. She trembled when she heard the step of the teacher. [I'm afraid you'll find fault with me,] she said. [I do not find fault with you,] said the teacher, [because you are only a beginner. Keep on trying. In this way, you will do better every day, and soon get to be a very good writer.]

And this is the way we are to try to be like Yeshua. But when we read about Yeshua, and learn how Holy, and Good, and Perfect He was, we must not be discouraged if we do not become like Him at once. But, if we keep on trying, and ask YHVH to help us we shall [learn of Him to be meek and lowly in heart] -- see Matthew 11:29; and we shall become daily more and more like Him.