Thought for Today: Monday April 11:

It is for freedom that Moshiach has set you free. May you refuse to be subject to any yoke of slavery – Slavery to sin, fear, legalism or striving. May you rest in the knowledge that Yeshua paid it all so that you could walk free and whole. May you boldly live the abundant, fruitful life He had in mind from the beginning. You are everything to Him. May YHVH inspire you today to achieve a goal that He puts in your heart. May He stir up faith as you step up and step out. May He give you fresh conviction and discipline to say no to lesser things so you can say yes to His Best plan for you. May the Wind of Ruach HaKodesh fill your sail and take you to a new, inspired place. May His Light shine through you on others so that you can be a blessing to them for His purpose. Be blessed today!