A different account on the overthrowing of the money changers in the temple. What are your thoughts?
1. The Jewish paschal feast time came and Jesus left his mother in Capernaum and journeyed to Jerusalem.
2. And he abode with one a Sadducee, whose name was Jude.
3. And when he reached the temple courts the multitudes were there to see the prophet whom the people thought had come to break the yoke of Rome, restore the kingdom of the Jews, and rule on David's throne.
4. And when the people saw him come they said, All hail! behold the king!
5. But Jesus answered not; he saw the money changers in the house of God, and he was grieved.
6. The courts had been converted into marts of trade, and men were selling lambs and doves for offerings in sacrifice.
7. And Jesus called the priests and said, Behold, for paltry gain you have sold out the temple of the Lord.
8. This house ordained for prayer is now a den of thieves. Can good and evil dwell together in the courts of God? I tell you, no.
9. And then he made a scourge of cords and drove the merchants out; he overturned their boards, and threw their money on the floor.
10. He opened up the cages of the captive birds, and cut the cords that bound the lambs, and set them free.