First-fruits are the first of something, such as the first child born into a family, or the year’s first calf, or the first corn or beans to grow in a garden that season. The Hebrews saw the first-fruits as holy. Why? Because the first-fruits were a taste of what was to come. Dedicating those first-fruits to YHVH was a way of thanking Him for providing them. It was also a sign of trust that YHVH would take care of His children. First-fruit offerings included produce in both natural and processed states [e.g., dough, bread, wine, olive oil, and wool]. The firstborn son and the firstborn of one’s animals were to be treated as belonging to YHVH. Firstborn children and the firstborn of unclean animals were redeemed [paid for] with money by the offerer, and the firstborn of the cows, sheep, and goats were offered in sacrifice to YHVH -- Numbers 18:14-17. First-fruits of any kind were reserved for people YHVH designated, namely, the priests. The Old Testament uses the term [the first of the first-fruits.] This may be a reference to the first ripened of the first-fruits, or it may refer to the choicest of them. These offerings were especially designated for the priests and could be eaten by any of them who was ritually clean -- Numbers 18:12-13. For other references to the first-fruits, see: -- Exodus 23:15-19; 34:22, 26; Leviticus 2:14; 23:10-17. The first-fruits were presented to YHVH by bringing the offering to the priest at the tabernacle and, in later times, at the temple -- Deuteronomy 26:2. The priest took the offering, and on the first day of the week, with arms outstretched, waved it before Elohim. On the same day, the person presenting the first-fruits offered a male lamb as a burnt offering to YHVH, a grain offering of fine flour mixed with olive oil, and a drink offering of wine. Fifty days later another grain offering was made. Each family was to give two loaves of bread to Adonai as a special gift. These were also given with appropriate animal, grain, and drink offerings -- Leviticus 23:9-22. In the New Testament the apostle Paul referred to Yeshua Moshiach’s resurrection as the first-fruits of the resurrection of believers that will occur at Yeshua’s return -- 1 Corinthians 15:20, 23. Ruach HaKodesh, who dwells in all believers -- Romans 8:9, is also said to be the first-fruits of the full redemption that is yet to come. [First-fruits] is sometimes used of the first believers in a geographical area -- Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:15. They were a kind of promise of a spiritual harvest to follow in that particular locality. Believers are said to be first-fruits, referring to their status as a unique and sacred possession of YHVH out of all He has created -- James 1:18. Similarly, in the book of Revelation, the 144,000 are said to have been redeemed from humanity as first-fruits belonging to YHVH and to the Lamb, Yeshua Moshiach -- Revelation 14:4.