
What Makes People Experience Awe?

Personal Contact With YHVH is Awe Inspiring.

[Then He said, ‘I am YHVH Elohim of your ancestors; YHVH of Abraham, YHVH of Isaac and YHVH of Jacob.’ When Moses heard this, he hid his face in his hands because he was afraid to look at YHVH.] -- Exodus 3:6. Moses saw a burning bush and spoke with YHVH. Many people in the Bible experienced YHVH in visible -- not necessarily human -- form. Abraham saw the smoking fire pot and flaming torch -- Genesis 15:17; Jacob wrestled with a man -- Genesis 32:22-32. When the slaves were freed from Egypt, YHVH led them by pillars of cloud and fire -- Exodus 13:17-22. YHVH made such appearances to encourage His new nation, to guide them and to prove the reliability of His verbal Message. At YHVH’s Command, Moses removed his shoes and covered his face. Taking off his shoes was an act of reverence, conveying his own unworthiness before YHVH. YHVH is our friend, but He is also our sovereign Adonai. To approach Him frivolously shows a lack of respect and sincerity. When you come to YHVH in worship, do you approach Him casually or do you come as though you were an invited guest before a king? If necessary, adjust your attitude so it is suitable for approaching our Holy Elohim.

An Experience of Spiritual Power can be Awe inspiring.

[So, I was left there all alone to watch this amazing vision. My strength left me, my face grew deathly pale and I felt very weak.] -- Daniel 10:8. The person seen by Daniel was a heavenly being. This is believed by some commentators to be an appearance of Moshiach -- see Revelation 1:12-18, while others contend it is an angel -- because he required Michael’s help; -- 10:13. In either case, Daniel caught a glimpse of the battle between good and evil supernatural powers. Daniel was frightened by this vision, but the messenger’s hand calmed his fears; Daniel lost his speech, but the messenger’s touch restored it; Daniel felt weak, but the messenger’s words strengthened him. YHVH can bring us healing when we are hurt, peace when we are troubled and strength when we are weak. Ask YHVH to minister to you as He did to Daniel.

Eventually Every Person Will Experience Awe Before Moshiach:

[And YHVH has put all things under the authority of Moshiach and He gave Him this Authority for the benefit of the church.] -- Ephesians 1:22. Having been raised from the dead, Moshiach is now the Supreme Head of the Church, the ultimate authority over the world. Moshiach is the Messiah, YHVH’s Anointed One, the One Israel longed for, the One Who would set their broken world right. As believers we can be confident that YHVH has won the final victory and is in control of everything. We need not fear any dictator, nation, death or satan himself. The contract has been signed and sealed; we are waiting just a short while for delivery. Paul says, in -- Romans 8:37-39, that nothing can separate us from YHVH and His Love.