Hi there, I did not grow up in an anabaptist family, but when I began looking for things for homeschooling in the early 90s I ran across many things that mentioned it. I then ordered Martyrs Mirror and started studying anabaptism. This led me to messianic studies believe it or not LOL. I ended up visiting a penpal friend I had from Lancaster County, PA for passover in 2000. Three months later myself, my hubby an dour three kids were living here. We attended a messianic community in Harrisburg for a time but later moved to a neighborhood that had a very small mennonite church, we attended there for 11 years , leading several passover seders which was wonderful.
Fast forward to not, and my husband has left the faith altogether, my children are grown and scattered in the faith. :0( But! we have a very good marriage and he does not come against anything I do. I attend a non denominational church, keep Torah (yes, all of it including wearing tzitzit) , and have great joy in watching what God is doing in the community I live in (amish) and worship with (non-denom... oh, and we just celebrated Passover for the second year!). My heart is still very anabaptist ....and I reconcile all of this with the knowledge that I am right where God wants me.
Sorry this is so long :)