Every seventh year, called the Shemitah year, the land needs a rest.

Technically, the commandments concerning the sabbatical year refer only to the land of Israel, but I believe the principles apply to the whole earth. Most farmers use crop rotation and other strategies to accomplish a similar end.

Deny the land its Sabbath and it might just rebel against you. Till, sow, prune, harvest, etc for six years, then let it go wild in the seventh. You may harvest what you need to eat from whatever grows on its own in that year. The Shemitah year produce may be freely harvested and eaten by slaves, hirelings, the landless, and animals, just not for resale or in bulk. Like the weekly Sabbath, the Shemitah teaches faith in YHVH, self-restraint, saving for the future, preparedness, and longer time horizons.

Leviticus 25:1-7 #behar