Thought for Today: Friday May 20:

You can live as close to YHVH as you choose. There are no barriers between you and Him and He does not tear down any barriers that you erect! People, and many believers included, tend to think their circumstances determine the quality of their lives. So, they pour their energy into trying to control those situations. They feel happy when things are going well and sad or frustrated when things do not turn out as they hoped for. They rarely question this correlation between their circumstances and feelings. YET, it is possible to be content in any and every situation. Start today and put more energy into trusting YHVH Elohim and enjoying His Presence. Do not let your well-being depend on your circumstances. Instead, connect your joy to YHVH’s Precious Promise: -- I am with you, and will watch over you wherever you go. I will meet all your needs according to My Glorious riches. Nothing in all Creation will be able to separate you from My Love.