Shavua Tov! This week's Torah portion is Bamidbar, which means "in the wilderness." This is the first portion of the book of "Bamidbar," which we know in English as the book of "Numbers," called this because Moses and Aaron are commanded to count the men of Israel.

I was really struck by how "Torah Observant" chores are. Seriously! Watch for it this week.

For instance, in Numbers 4, Yah told Aaron and his sons that they were responsible to pack up all the furnishing and pieces in the Tabernacle. Then He told the Gershonites to be in charge of carrying the curtains. The Kohathites were responsible for carrying all of the furnishings for the Tabernacle. The Merarites were responsible to carry the frames and posts. In great detail, Yah laid out specific instructions to be sure every duty would get done, and then He assigned Eleazar the priest the oversight of everything.

In our homes, many mothers never get around to assigning specific chores to each person. Who washes the dishes? Who unloads the dishwasher? Who sweeps the floor? Who does these jobs when the regular person is gone for the evening? Do the chores get rotated and how often? Instead, mothers often just ask the first child who walks into the room, and that tends to be unfair since the other kids quickly figure out that they should just stay out of Mom's sight!

Yah's system of listing all the chores that need to be done and then assigning them to certain people is very wise. In addition, notice that He didn't really rotate the chores. These people became experts in that area, and there was never any question about who was responsible for what. Yah even assigned the people the places for them to pitch their tents! Nothing was random or haphazard in His "home."

Here are tips on keeping a house clean with minimum effort:

